Dominic Barretto

31 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the Canadian Overseas SEDAR filing spelling out how it will die and shareholders will be wiped out

Shame there was no RNS on Friday. But the SEDAR filing below spells out the slow and the quick death of Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). Despite the proposed bailout at just 0.15p, it is a slam dunk zero and anyone holding is just mad. As for the motherfuckers at Yellow Jersey who misled investors and smeared me when I first exposed this crock at 2p just 20 months ago, they really should go fuck themselves. I await their apology but am not holding my breath as Dominic Barretto and his team and morally bankrupt pustules on the arse of AIM.


44 days ago

Shit of the Year, Dominic Barretto as you enjoy your nefarious gains this Christmas think about this poor sap you have duped & his daughter’s unfunded wedding

I pointed out earlier how PR spinners for Canadian Overseas (COPL) banked vast fees, nefarious gains, for crafting defamatory releases smearing me to defend their client. As the turd polisher in chief, loathsome morally bankrupt Dominic Barretto, plans a luxury Christmas he might, for a second, think about the pain of those who believed the manifestly dishonest releases he pumped out. From the LSE Asylum at 7.33 AM today:


44 days ago

Wow just how badly these words aged: time for Arthur Millholland & morally bankrupt motherfucker PR Dominic Barretto to apologise

On 6th April 2022 shares in Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) were more than 20p and I had recently opened my assault arguing that, at 25p the shares were a compelling short. Today, after the latest disaster analysed HERE, they are just over 1p. But back then the man who created this investment disaster Arthur Millholland issued an RNS with a direct smear on me (suggesting I was short and did not understand accounts) and an implicit attack on ShareProphets. Morally bankrupt PR firm Yellow Jersey crafted this poison.


2695 days ago

Iofina - when is a (lack of) profits warning not a profits warning?

When it is described as a "corporate update". That is how Iofina's (IOF) prize piece of excrement PR person Dominic Barretto headlined yesterday's profits warning. It looked so tame why bother reading? But it was a warning and Barretto being a total wanker deliberately did not add in any hard numbers. You see he views investors with contempt. His job is to polish a turd not to inform. And boy is Iofina a turd.


2876 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Drown all cat haters including my brother in law

I am back in from the fields where I have been labouring in 40 degree plus heat. Today I offer a few thoughts on Circassia (CIR) and the risks folks just dont seem to appreciate of a) biotech and b) backing stock selections of star fund managers, in this case Neil Woodford - who incidentally is clearly a very talented chap. I look at Gulf Keystone (GKP), XCite Energy (XEL), China Frauds and then in some detail at Blur (BLUR). For further info on its brain dead dickhead of a PR man Dominic Barretto go HERE


3791 days ago

Iofina Profits Warning – Red Flags all over the shop – Shocker

I have never liked Iofina (IOF) and so today’s shocking profits warning brings some sort of grim satisfaction having published a very bearish piece at 150p back in June

You can read that piece here.

Red flags abound in today's statement.

1.Today we hear that Iodine prices fell in 2013. So why the bloody hell were we not told about this more explicitly before. The company announces operational updates on bring a new facility onstream every other week but surely this is critical information? Whoever does this company’s PR should be publically hung drawn and quartered. As it happens the company’s PR man is Dominic Barretto who is a prize shit so his public execution would make the City a better place all round.  But my point is that a company that communicates information in a quite dreadful way, I really do not believe it anymore.
